Friday, 17 October 2014

Sex Tape

Sex was never this funny! Lol

It begins with explaining how boring your life can be when you grow up. A couple discovers that marriage and two kids makes ex almost impossible. And before they know it, the hardly remember how good they were at it. How do they spice it up, how do they get it back? They do something crazy to turn on the heat, which in this case happens to be a three hour long sex tape where they pretend to be sex gurus showing each and every position in the ‘book’. But technology has robbed us of so much privacy that even the most intimate of moments cannot be kept private. A few careless hours, and before they know their raunchy porn video is on the ‘cloud’ network. Now, almost everyone who is someone in their lives, which includes their kids and the mailman, is one click away from seeing the wild carnal details that they filmed in such detail. It’s a mad scramble to retrieve their ‘honor’ before it all goes up in ‘porny’ smoke.

‘Sex Tape’ is all about that mad scramble and less about the
actual tape. The trailers made one thing clear; this is a fun/comedy movie, and not a hot sexy one. The film stays true to it. Yes, there are a few moments in the beginning that are inevitable to set up the premise. But never once does the streak of humor go missing, which is the best thing about Sex Tape. It is a tough balancing act by the director handling such a subject to not make it look like a ‘sex’ movie, and at the same time to not turn it into childish run-around movie. The need of the lead pair, at first to reignite their sex life, and then later to destroy the evidence, is well articulated, which is what connects it to the audience.

But, serious stuff aside, the movie is really a lot of fun. Thanks mainly to its lead pair of Jason Segel and Camerone Diaz. They have played the devoted couple who realize that they are ageing but yet want to have a shot at their younger, more romantic days again, with conviction. And, they share a good comic timing, which makes their verbal exchanges really enjoyable. And, the script has written in a couple of tailor-made situations for slapstick humor which thankfully work quite well without stretching out for too long. There is a bit of melodrama towards the end, and a scene in a huge server room, which seems a bit too far fetched. But, we can understand the writer’s lack of options to effectively finish the script on a sweet note. The pre-climatic portions definitely do not live up to the energy and fun of the earlier parts.

Finally, if there is one thing about the movie that is
consistently good and funny and amusing, it is the dialogues. Most scenes would have fallen flat if it were not for the witty lines. Admitted, it does play on our guilty pleasures, but what else can we expect when a couple is looking for a self- made porn movie. It has been cleverly used to keep a naughty smile and the occasional laugh on your face for almost the entire duration of the movie. Its not the regular Hollywood rom-com that you get dime-a-dozen. Go for Sex Tape to have an amusing couple of hours. Sex was never so funny! Lol.

Mostly witty and funny – not sexy!


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